IO1.: Synchronous distance lectures platform with virtual classroom
The platform tools are online and accessible from top menu TOOLS:
Here you can acces some more information regarding their features:
IO2. Set of e-learning resources
IO3. Training itinerary with methodological guide for teachers
Training path with methodological guide for teachers. (Spanish) (Romanian) (Portuguese) (Polish) (English)
IO4. “Campus One Health for initiation to research and communication” training program for students
Campus ONE HEALTH para la iniciación a la investigación y la comunicación (ES)
IO5 Didactic resources for scientific transfer to society
- LAB sediments activity
- BomBom Protocol activity
- Zostera biocenoses activity
- 3D modelling and printing activity (please download also the following resources)
Strategic plan for transfer to society (ES) (RO) (PT) (PL) (EN)